
2.1 User Case

I’m opening a new grocery store in a new area and want to be able to ascertain the market I can capture using different modes of transport and different travel times and intervals. I would also like to compare this against my competitors.

2.2 Utilising the extension

If you wish to see a finished working solution then please open up the supplied work book found in the Demo container - Isoline.twbx

For the purposes of creating from scratch against your own set of data please carry on with the below.

  • Source sheet

Ensure that the excel sheet you are connecting to contains the following info – A location column, a Latitude and Longitude.

You will need these 3 columns to get the Isolines offering to work.

New tableau workbook

Connect to your excel data source created as above.

Then go to a new sheet and bring the 3 objects as follows –

You now need to change the Latitude and Longitude pills so they are BOTH Discrete and Dimension

With both changed you will then be presented with a flat line table –

Next click on the new dashboard tab and using ‘Floating’ bring in the source sheet to the dashboard.

Now minimise the sheet in the dashboard to as small as possible so it is hardly visible.

Next switch to ‘Tiled’ and select ‘Extension’ and bring this into the dashboard so it fills the entire space. Click on ‘My extensions’ and select the ‘Eqolines.trex’ file.

Then click ‘ok’ to allow extension and this will bring you into the welcome page.

Once you have obtained your key(s) (via email) you can enter them in the relevant boxes to proceed. If you using the free version then you will need to enter two keys, for the paid version it is only one.

You will then be presented with the following screen –

Click on the ‘Isoline’ container.

Page 1 of 7 will then require a connection to the data source sheet you created (in this example data) then press save and continue.

Page 2 of 7 will then require the mapping of the three columns. Ensure that Location matches your location column and that Latitude and Longitude are also matched correctly to your Excel headings. Save & Continue.

*Note – with the free ORS version there is only a maximum of 5 rows that can be inserted from the source sheet. Anymore and it will bring a validation error.

On page 3 of 7 is a list of parameters then can be changed. At this stage keep the defaults as they can be changed in the dashboard front end. Save & Continue.

On Page 4 of 7 is where you can select different Map Tiles.

On Page 5 of 7 is where you can change the fonts and colours. The defaults are fine, but you may wish to change these settings the more you use the extension. Save & Continue.

Page 6 of 7 gives you the ability to switch toolbar settings on and off but at this stage it's best to keep the default settings. Save & Continue.

Now you are on the final Page 7 of 7 and ready to load the dashboard.

Click ‘Generate Map’.

You will now be presented with a map covering the whole dashboard and the initial isolines will are built –

In the top right corner of the screen is an arrow button, click on here to open the parameters screen.

Changing the parameters here and then hitting the submit button will adjust the isolines accordingly, depending on what you have selected.

So for Mode of Transport you have Car, HGV, Bike or Walking.

Select whether you want the isoline to calculate the distance in minutes, miles or kilometers.

Select the Travel Catchment number eg: 1. This will then show 1 interval (halving the travel time you have selected)

You have the ability to switch Rush hour on (therefore affecting the distance traveled) or population on (in the bottom left it will show the total population in that area based on the isoline created).

The type of shape can be determined by either Individual, Intersection or Union.

And finally you can export the isolines you created in a shape file (.json file) for use in other Tableau dashboards.

You are now up and running using the Isolines capability!

*Note – under dashboard settings switch size to ‘Automatic’ to fully expand the map on your screen

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